Privacy Policy
"LINKTHAI" APP (hereinafter referred to as "this application") respects and protects the personal privacy of all service users.In order to provide you with more accurate and more personalized services, this application may collect and use your relevant information.However, this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudent obligations. This "Privacy Policy" will explain to you how to collect, use, store, and share user information, andVisit, update, control and protect the ways of information.Except for other provisions of this privacy policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to the third party without signing your pre -licensed.This application will update this privacy policy from time to time.When you agree with the agreement of this application service, you are deemed that you have agreed to the entire content of the privacy policy.This privacy policy belongs to the inseparable part of this application service use agreement.
  If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or complaints during the reading, you can contact us at
1. Scope of application
(1) When you register this application account, you provide personal registration information provided according to the requirements of this application. (2) When you use this application network service or visit this application platform webpage, this application automatically receives and records information on your browser and computer, including but not limited to your IP address, the type of browser, and the type of browser, and the type of browser, andData such as language, access date and time, software and hardware feature information, and web records you need. (3) The user's personal data obtained from business partners through legal channels.
2.information use
(1) This application will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you get your permission in advance, or the third party and this application (including the company's related company) separate or shared the same or commonly shared or common commonly shared or commonly shared by this application.Provide you with services, and after the service is over, it will be banned from accessing all these materials that can be accessed before. (2) This application does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell, or disseminate your personal information in any means.If any user of this application platform is engaged in the above -mentioned activities, once discovery, this application has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user. (3) For the purpose of serving users, this application may provide you with information that you are interested in using your personal information, including but not limited to sending products and service information to you, or sharing information with this application partner forSend you information about its products and services (the latter needs your pre -consent).
3. Information disclosure
In the following circumstances, this application will disclose your personal information in accordance with your personal wishes or the provisions of the law: (1) According to your pre -agreed, disclose to the third party; (2) For the products and services you are required, you must share your personal information with a third party; (3) According to the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial agencies, disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions; (4) If you have violated relevant Chinese laws, regulations or this application service agreement or relevant rules, you need to disclose to a third party; (5) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, the respondent should be disclosed to the respondent, so that the two parties can deal with possible rights and disputes; (6) In a certain transaction created on this application platform, if any party performs or partially fulfills the transaction obligations and submits information disclosure requests, this application has the right to decide to provide the user with the connection method of the other party's connection.Information to promote the completion of the transaction or the resolution of disputes. (7) Other applications consider suitable for laws, regulations or website policies.
4. information storage and exchange
The information and information collected by this application will be stored on the server of this application and / or its related companies. This information and information may be transmitted to your country, region or this application collecting information and information.Overseas were accessed, stored, and displayed.
5. Use of cookies
(1) In the absence of Cookies, this application will set or use cookies on your computer so that you can log in or use this application platform service or function that depends on cookies.This application uses cookies to provide you with more thoughtful personalized services, including promotion services. (2) You have the right to choose to accept or refuse to accept Cookies.You can refuse to accept Cookies by modifying the browser settings.But if you choose to refuse to accept Cookies, you may not be able to log in or use this application network service or function that depends on Cookies. (3) The relevant information obtained through cookies set in this application will apply this policy.
6.information security
(1) This application account has a security protection function. Please keep your username and password information properly.This application will ensure that your information is not lost and not abused and altered through security measures such as encryption of user passwords.Although there are aforementioned security measures, please also pay attention to the "perfect security measures" on the information network. (2) When using this application network service for online transactions, you inevitably disclose your personal information to the trader or potential traders, such as contact methods or postal address.Please protect your personal information properly and provide others with only necessary situations.If you find your personal information leak, please contact this software customer service immediately so that this software can take corresponding measures.
7. information collection
When you interact with this application, in order to ensure your normal use of our services, maintain the normal operation of services, improve and optimize our service experience, and ensure your account security, we may collect the following data. 【Basic Information】 (1) Mobile device information: Equipment model, operating system, equipment hardware serial number (referring to a string of string compiled by the equipment manufacturer into the device, as the unique logo of the device), Android ID, login IP address, wireless connectionInformation, operating system types and versions, application version numbers, application installation lists, push notification identifiers, log files, and mobile network information. (2) Smart device information: such as the basic information such as equipment names, device IDs, online status, activation time, firmware version and upgrade information. (3) Account Information: When you register our account, we will collect your account name and contact information, such as your email address, phone number, username and login credentials.During your product interaction with our product, we will further collect the nicknames, avatars, national code, language preferences or time zone information in your account.If you choose to log in with a third -party account, we will obtain the account information (such as avatars, nicknames, regional information) you shared from a third party with your Vanlink account for quick login.The three parties and the terms of the shared personal information in the privacy policy announced by the third party are used by your personal information on the premise of complying with relevant regulations. [Information collected based on the additional functions provided] To provide you with more convenient and better products and/or services, and strive to improve your experience, we will collect and use your personal information in the following additional services provided to you.If you do not provide this information, it will not affect your basic services using this application, but you cannot get the user experience brought by these additional services to you.These additional services include: (1) Additional services based on location information: When you authorize the positioning function of the mobile device and use the service -based service through the system, we will collect and use your location information so that you can use this application to distribute with the smart device.And when you use our specific products or services (such as weather services), based on your consent, we will collect information about your real -time accurate or accurate geographical positioning information.You can close the positioning service in the mobile device system to stop our collection of information on your location. (2) Additional services based on camera/camera: You can use the function to scan the code after opening the camera/camera permissions to add devices and upload your avatars.Please know that even if you have agreed to turn on the camera/camera permission, we will only get information when you actively scan the code and shoot the camera/camera. (3) Picture/video access and uploaded additional services based on album (picture library/video library): You can use this function to upload your photo after opening the album permissions to achieve the function of replacing the avatar.When you use functions such as avatars, we will not identify this information. (4) Voice technology -related additional services based on microphone: You can use the microphone to use the microphone to use the music rhythm and other functions after turning on the microphone.Please know that even if you have agreed to turn on the microphone rights, we will only get voice information when you actively use the microphone. (5) Additional services based on storage permissions: We apply to you to obtain this permissions in order to ensure the stable operation of the client.After you turn on the permissions that we can read/write to your device storage, we read or write the necessary information such as pictures, files, and collapse log information from your device storage space to provide you with information release to you.Or record functions such as collapse log information locally.
8. Details of third -party SDK used by this application
Function Description SDK package name Collect personal information fields
Squareup provides services, integrates OKHTTP, no longer need to quote the JAR of HTTP alone com.squareup
Retrofit, as a library that simplifies the HTTP request, has been running for many years com.jakewharton
Fluential theory to provide services is an excellent download engine on the Android platform com.liulishuo.okdownload none
Android intelligent launching framework com.scwang.smartrefresh none
Android immersive status bar and immersive navigation bar com.gyf.immersionbar none
Android title column solution com.hjq none
Android's powerful tool library UtilCode com.blankj none
A well -extended loading feedback page management framework for Android platform com.kingja.loadsir none
Android's year -old selectioner com.contrarywind none
Android's progress bar performance method Roundcor
com.akexorcist none
The services provided by Ali include push services and Android page routing frameworks com.aliyun.ams
Equipment model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and IMEI, IDFA, OAID and other software characteristics information
Airbnb provides services. Lotttie is an open source of Airbnb that supports Android and Reactnative. none
Didi provides services, Doraemonkit is a function set panel that can provide various tools com.didichuxing.doraemonkit none
Facebook provides services, which is the dependency item of the Reactnative framework com.facebook
Android's top -absorbing effect solution none
Tencent Bugly provides professional abnormal reporting and operation statistics for mobile developers to help developers quickly discover and solve abnormalities com.tencent
The information collected by Bugly is to restore the CRASH scenario for developers, which does not involve user privacy information; CRASH environment: CRASH information and thread stacks, ROM/RAM/SD card capacity, network/language and other states; APP; APPInformation: package name, version, process name; Equipment information: IMEI and other device identification to determine the statistics of CRASH device.
Google provides services, the basic dependencies of Android, the Material framework, etc.
Spongy Castle is named for Bound Castle on the Android platform. com.madgag.spongycastle none
Gaode provides services, mainly using map positioning services com.amap
Provide technical support from Gaode Map, which is used for apps -public services -social management information data presentation. SDK will apply for user positioning permissions to display weather information according to the user's positioning
Open -source library BaserecyclerViewAdapterhelper is a Adapter for data binding of dataCleView and defining events com.github.CymChad none
RXPerMissions is a framework based on RXJAVA development to help process runtime permissions detection in Android 6.0 com.github.tbruyelle none
Glide is a fast and efficient Android picture loading library, focusing on smooth rolling com.github.bumptech.glide none
Android side slide menu control com.github.mcxtzhang none
Simplify the client using the framework of WebSocket com.github.0xZhangKe none
Nine, account deletion
Users can cancel the account number through the following path: [Mine]-[Settings]-[Account and Security]-[Logging out account] The user has the right to edit the user's account information and information in this application at any time. The user can also ask for deleting personal accounts, but the user will unconditionally agree with the account and the information and information related to the account will still be retained in the account and the account related to the account.In the record record of this website, in addition to the situation stipulated in Article 3 above, this application will keep user information confidential.
Shenzhen Hansen Lighting Co., Ltd. August 1, 2023